What? When? Where?

Pioneer Club:

The Pioneer Clubs meet every Friday during the school season. The focus each week emphasizes teaching our youth  about how Christ can impact every aspect of their lives.  Boys and Girls from preschool to 7th grade are invited to join Pioneer Club and do not have to be members of Macedonia Baptist Church.  Go To our Pioneer Link to see photos!

Teen Council:

The teens of Macedonia meet every Friday in the Teen Room during the school season.  Each Friday kicks off an evening of fun and activities to keep our Teens close to the Lord. All kinds of projects and trips are being planned, so come out. You don’t even have to be a member of Macedonia to participate. Just show up and let Jesus show out in your life!!!

Check out more here!

Bible Study Classes: 

Bible Study Classes are on Wednesdays at Macedonia at 7pm.  Each fourth Wednesday, we have a special worship service followed by food and fellowship that occurs in our Fellowship Hall.